The First Pregnancy

Step-by-step, Information, Tips, Tools and Advice for Pregnancy

Pregnancy Fitness Myths

Written by Doroby on 8:24 AM

By Kaleena A Lawless

It was not long ago that pregnant women were told to sit still and eat as much as they want throughout their pregnancy. Nowadays, the rules have completely changed thanks to modern medicine and women willing and wanting to stay fit through out their pregnancy.

Three Pregnancy Fitness Myths

1. You should not exercise.

This is absolutely untrue. Prenatal exercise has many positive benefits including sleeping better at night, less back ache and cramping, easier labour and maintaining weight. It is always best to consult with your doctor before starting a fitness program or even better, hire medically supervised personal trainers.

2. Eat For Two.

During your pregnancy you should be eating healthy, fresh foods and staying well hydrated. Eat what you want your baby to eat but you do not have to overdo it. Just listen to your body. Some women don't feel very hungry at all while others have a bigger appetite. Eat when your body tells you to and keep your proportions similar to pre-pregnancy.

3. You can't do crunches.

Performing crunches while you are pregnant strengthens the abdominals for a faster delivery and recovery time. The only variation required is 20 weeks after pregnancy when you should avoid laying on your back. This reduces oxygen to the baby. Instead you can do crunches seated and on your side.

Pregnancy is not the end of your prenatal body. It's the start of a new beginning and that includes what you do for your health and well-being. Whether you work out currently or not, exercise during pregnancy is a great thing to do for both Mom and baby.

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

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What your baby looks like this week

Written by Doroby on 5:46 PM

One Month

Your baby is an embryo consisting of two layers of cells from which all her organs and body parts will develop.

Two Months

Your baby is now about the size of a kidney bean and is constantly moving. He has distinct, slightly webbed fingers.

Three Months

By now your baby is about 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce. Her tiny, unique fingerprints are now in place.

Four Months

Your baby is now about 5 inches long and weighs 5 ounces. His skeleton is starting to harden from rubbery cartilage to bone.

Five Months

Eyebrows and eyelids are now in place. Your baby would now be more than 10 inches long if you stretched out her legs.

Six Months

Your baby weighs about a pound and a half. His wrinkled skin is starting to smooth out as he puts on baby fat.

Seven Months

By now, your baby weighs about 3 pounds and is more than 15 inches long. She can open and close her eyes and follow a light.

Eight Months

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds. His layers of fat are filling him out, making him rounder, and his lungs are well developed.

Nine Months

The average baby is more than 19 inches long and weighs nearly 7 pounds now, but babies vary widely in size at this stage

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Pregnancy - The First Signs

Written by Doroby on 8:22 AM

By Jean Simmer

Pregnancy, whether it is expected or not, usually presents itself in many different ways. The first and most common sign of pregnancy is the missing of the menstruation. For women who have regular menstrual cycles, marking down her period can easily tell her when she is late. Many women, nowadays, will not even wait until their missed period and will do a pregnancy test before their missed period. Newest pregnancy tests are able to detect a pregnancy even before the missed period.

Pregnancy can also present itself by the typical morning sickness. Although these nauseas and vomiting have been described to be more of a morning problem, they can occur all day long. Women who are pregnant should rejoice when they are experiencing morning sickness as this can be a sign of good hormone levels in their body, telling them that their pregnancy is going well. For example, a stopped pregnancy is often accompanied by a lowering or even stopping of the morning sickness.

Some pregnant women will not feel any nausea throughout their pregnancy and that can be perfectly normal. For the other women experiencing nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, there are many helpful ways to control them and a pregnant woman should know that most nausea of pregnancy tend to settle after the 16th week of pregnancy.

Pregnancy can also present itself in the form of breast tenderness. It is normal that the pregnant woman's breast tissues by being stimulated by the pregnancy hormones will grow and experience tenderness. Such discomforts can be managed by wearing a supportive bra and will again settle with time.

Pregnancy can also present itself by a frequent need to urinate. The frequent need to urinate during pregnancy is caused by the new hormones and the pressure exerted on the bladder by the growing uterus.

Another frequent sign of a beginning gestation is the fact that the pregnant woman feels more tired than usual. She may experience the need to sleep more hours than usual or have lower energy throughout the day.

Once a woman suspects she is pregnant, she should write down the first day of her last menstrual period as this will be very important during her pregnancy. She should also do a confirmation pregnancy test and then contact her health care provider. For most women, the confirmation of a beginning pregnancy will be a very positive event in their life. If for a woman, the finding of a pregnancy is not a welcomed event, she should take the time to sit down with her spouse and consider all the involvement for them.

For more information and pregnancy and natural childbirth, please visit us at: and

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Vitamin C During Pregnancy Offsets Smoking Harm

Written by Doroby on 8:21 AM

By Rebecca Prescott

Whilst most women are aware of the negative effects smoking whilst pregnant can have on their developing baby, many still cannot give up. The good news is that researchers believe that taking vitamin C can counteract some of these effects.

Smoking during pregnancy can lead to premature delivery of the baby, poor growth, and in some instances, is implicated in fetal deaths. It can also affect the way the infant's lungs develop, as nicotine can cross the placenta. As a result, babies may have less lung function and develop more respiratory illnesses.

But a group of researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University found that in baby monkeys given both nicotine and vitamin C, the flow of air in the lungs was close to normal. There were three groups of pregnant monkeys in the study - one group was given only nicotine, one given neither nicotine nor vitamin C, and one group given both. The nicotine given was comparable to that which a pregnant mother would smoke. The group given nothing acted as the control group.

Whilst this study was done on monkeys, the team behind the study believe that the results are very relevant to humans. But more work needs to be done to determine how much vitamin C is needed for smoking pregnant mothers to get similar benefits. And to ensure that higher amounts of vitamin C during pregnancy doesn't cause other unwanted effects.

The researchers did stress that despite the positive benefits of vitamin C during pregnancy, it did not counteract all of smoking's negative effects on the fetus. For example, lower body weight and nicotine's effect on brain development were still a potential issue.

Another benefit of taking vitamin C during pregnancy is that it may decrease the chance of their waters breaking too early. This is true for all women irrespective of whether they are smokers or not. This research was done by a team in Mexico at the National Institute of Perinatology, this time on humans. The women in this study were either given a placebo or 100mg of vitamin C per day. And the group who received the vitamin C had a lot less instances where their waters broke early. This meant less premature births with the associated risk of infections.

The women in the study received the vitamin C from the 20th week of pregnancy until they gave birth. Vitamin C helps maintain the collagen in the membranes that hold the amniotic fluid in place.


If you'd like to learn more about the effects of vitamin C, including the different forms this supplement is available in, check out this article. And for herb pregnancy advice on which herbs to avoid and which can reduce the effects of morning sickness, see this article.

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The Effects of Pregnancy in Oral Health

Written by Doroby on 8:20 AM

By Robert Melkonyan

Pregnancy can have different effects in the woman's overall health condition. Most pregnant women can notice some changes in the gums throughout pregnancy, including redness and bleeding of the gums when brushing the teeth. In addition, some women can experience severe bleeding and swelling. These changes are known pregnancy gingivitis that usually starts on the second month of the pregnancy. Pregnancy gingivitis tends to increase around eight month and may decrease after giving birth.

This condition is usual in the front area of the mouth. The symptoms of pregnancy gingivitis are the same with the common gingivitis but may have different causes. Progesterone level in the body during pregnancy can reach up to ten percent higher than the normal level, which can improve certain bacterial growth that results to gingivitis. In addition, during pregnancy, the immune system works differently, which can change the body's reaction to bacteria.

To be able to reduce pregnancy gingivitis effects, it is best to have a good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth at least two times a day for two minutes is recommended. Make sure to floss every day as well. Antimicrobial mouthwash is advisable to prevent gum infection. Some doctors suggest that rinses that have no alcohol content are better though there is no proof that alcohol-based mouthwash may have bad effects on pregnancy.

During pregnancy, it is important to visit your dentist to check your oral health especially the condition of your gums. Pregnancy gingivitis can be treated using professional cleaning, which can be performed anytime in your pregnancy especially on the second trimester. However, advanced and aggressive treatments including periodontal surgery are not recommended until after giving birth.

Another effect of pregnancy in oral health is pregnancy granuloma or pyogenic granuloma, also known as pregnancy tumor. Two to ten percent of pregnant women may suffer from this condition, which is a growth in the gums. Though it is also called pregnancy tumor, it is not cancerous and dangerous. Pregnancy granuloma usually develops in the second trimester or pregnancy where red nodules that are commonly found in the upper gum line. However, red nodules can be found anywhere in the mouth as well. These nodules can easily bleed, which can form a crust or ulcer.

Pregnancy granuloma causes are still unknown but poor oral hygiene is usually a main factor. Blood vessel malformations, trauma, viruses and hormones can also be factors of the condition.

Tooth loss is also a common condition for pregnant women due to sever morning sickness or frequent vomiting, which can affect the enamel of the front teeth. It is necessary to contact your dentist if you are experiencing frequent vomiting to know different medications to prevent tooth erosion.

Dry mouth is also an effect of pregnancy. You can prevent dry mouth through drinking water and having hard cadies that are free from sugar or sugarless gum to help in the stimulation of the saliva.

On the other hand, excessive saliva can also be an effect or pregnancy though it is less common, which happens in the early stages of pregnancy. Excessive saliva may be connected to nausea. Women who are planning to get pregnant should visit a dentist for oral checkup and treatment. Gums and teeth needs special attention during pregnancy, so right nutrition and regular brushing is important.

To learn about the importance of periodontal examination and to understand how Pregnancy affects dental health, visit our website to get answers straight from qualified dentists at

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Dangerous Foods That Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy

Written by Doroby on 8:18 AM

By Groshan Fabiola

Pregnancy is a natural condition and even though brings significant changes in women's life, it can be easily overcome by having a balanced lifestyle and support from the family. It is important to mention that a pregnant woman should be aware of her condition and should adopt a proper diet in order to mantain a good health for herself and for the baby. In addition to this, women should inform themselves regarding the foods that should present risks and should be avoided during the pregnancy and choose only the ones that aren't considered dangerous for the baby.

First of all, pregnant women should avoid undercooked meats because of their risk to be infested with harmful bacteria such as e.coli or salmonella. By eating undercooked meats, pregnant women may face serious dysfunctions like diarrhea or nausea and even more they can lead to other complications which may put the life of the baby in danger by causing miscarriage or preterm birth. Moreover this category of dangerous foods includes: deli meats, undercooked chicken, pork or read meat, sushi and raw seafood.

Secondly, another aliment which is not allowed in the diets for pregnant women are raw eggs. Due to their risk of carrying salmonella, raw eggs can cause food poisoning that may lead to severe diarrhea or sickness and even preterm labor. In order to avoid raw eggs, pregnant women should quit eating different foods such as eggnog, cookie batter, ceasar salad dressing and also homemade ice cream. Furthermore, other categories of dangerous foods during pregnancy are the unpasteurized food and beverages. Even though, milk is considered an healthy drinking because it provides calcium to the body, unpasteurized milk may consist a dangerous bacteria called listeria which is responsible for many illnesses every year. Foods which may contain listeria are: first of all raw milk, unpasteurized juice and also different kinds of cheeses.

Thirdly, even though many people consider that fish is an healthy food, the truth is that not all the fish is good for pregnancy. Moreover, fish is important for an healthy pregnancy by providing omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand there are certain fish which have very high levels of methyl mercury. In addition to this methyl mercury is very dangerous for the unborn baby by causing serious neurological damages and also developmental problems. In the category of fish which contain high levels of methyl mercury are : the shark, the swordfish, the tilefish and king mackerel. Another category of dangerous fish is farm raised fish which contain polycarbonated biphenyls (PCBs), environmental toxins that may affect the health of the fetus.

Pregnant women should be quite careful when they choose their foods and drinks and they should always look on the labels in order to detect the substances that are considered dangerous for their pregnancy. A toxic substance which is found most of the times in soft drink and candies is aspartame, a chemical product that may lead to severe disease such as cancer. It is important to mention that alcohol during pregnancy may cause severe damages to the baby by preventing him from getting oxygen and nutrients and moreover heavy drinking may produce to the baby serious mental and physical dysfunctions.

For more inforamtion about teenage pregnancy please visit or

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Baby Clothing

Written by Doroby on 9:05 AM

Summary By Victor Thomas

Baby Girl Clothing

Babies are considered as a gift of God. Selection of baby clothing is boundless. Most of the parents find it very difficult as well as delicate to choose right clothes for their babies. There are various on-line shops for buying clothes for your babies.

Various considerations have to be remembered while you go for shopping.

  • Babies do not like their clothes being changed often. Choose clothes that are easy to change and simple to put on and remove.
  • Clothes that open in front will be easier to wear off.
  • Go for clothes with elastic waist bands and skirts or trousers therefore it will easy for you to adjust it.
  • Shoulder straps used clothes will be comfortable for both girl as well as boy baby.

Always prefer branded socks.

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