Pregnancy - The First Signs
Written by Doroby on 8:22 AMBy Jean Simmer
Pregnancy, whether it is expected or not, usually presents itself in many different ways. The first and most common sign of pregnancy is the missing of the menstruation. For women who have regular menstrual cycles, marking down her period can easily tell her when she is late. Many women, nowadays, will not even wait until their missed period and will do a pregnancy test before their missed period. Newest pregnancy tests are able to detect a pregnancy even before the missed period.
Pregnancy can also present itself by the typical morning sickness. Although these nauseas and vomiting have been described to be more of a morning problem, they can occur all day long. Women who are pregnant should rejoice when they are experiencing morning sickness as this can be a sign of good hormone levels in their body, telling them that their pregnancy is going well. For example, a stopped pregnancy is often accompanied by a lowering or even stopping of the morning sickness.
Some pregnant women will not feel any nausea throughout their pregnancy and that can be perfectly normal. For the other women experiencing nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, there are many helpful ways to control them and a pregnant woman should know that most nausea of pregnancy tend to settle after the 16th week of pregnancy.
Pregnancy can also present itself in the form of breast tenderness. It is normal that the pregnant woman's breast tissues by being stimulated by the pregnancy hormones will grow and experience tenderness. Such discomforts can be managed by wearing a supportive bra and will again settle with time.
Pregnancy can also present itself by a frequent need to urinate. The frequent need to urinate during pregnancy is caused by the new hormones and the pressure exerted on the bladder by the growing uterus.
Another frequent sign of a beginning gestation is the fact that the pregnant woman feels more tired than usual. She may experience the need to sleep more hours than usual or have lower energy throughout the day.
Once a woman suspects she is pregnant, she should write down the first day of her last menstrual period as this will be very important during her pregnancy. She should also do a confirmation pregnancy test and then contact her health care provider. For most women, the confirmation of a beginning pregnancy will be a very positive event in their life. If for a woman, the finding of a pregnancy is not a welcomed event, she should take the time to sit down with her spouse and consider all the involvement for them.
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