The First Pregnancy

Step-by-step, Information, Tips, Tools and Advice for Pregnancy

Pregnancy Fitness Myths

Written by Doroby on 8:24 AM

By Kaleena A Lawless

It was not long ago that pregnant women were told to sit still and eat as much as they want throughout their pregnancy. Nowadays, the rules have completely changed thanks to modern medicine and women willing and wanting to stay fit through out their pregnancy.

Three Pregnancy Fitness Myths

1. You should not exercise.

This is absolutely untrue. Prenatal exercise has many positive benefits including sleeping better at night, less back ache and cramping, easier labour and maintaining weight. It is always best to consult with your doctor before starting a fitness program or even better, hire medically supervised personal trainers.

2. Eat For Two.

During your pregnancy you should be eating healthy, fresh foods and staying well hydrated. Eat what you want your baby to eat but you do not have to overdo it. Just listen to your body. Some women don't feel very hungry at all while others have a bigger appetite. Eat when your body tells you to and keep your proportions similar to pre-pregnancy.

3. You can't do crunches.

Performing crunches while you are pregnant strengthens the abdominals for a faster delivery and recovery time. The only variation required is 20 weeks after pregnancy when you should avoid laying on your back. This reduces oxygen to the baby. Instead you can do crunches seated and on your side.

Pregnancy is not the end of your prenatal body. It's the start of a new beginning and that includes what you do for your health and well-being. Whether you work out currently or not, exercise during pregnancy is a great thing to do for both Mom and baby.

Kaleena Lawless
Personal Training Specialist

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What your baby looks like this week

Written by Doroby on 5:46 PM

One Month

Your baby is an embryo consisting of two layers of cells from which all her organs and body parts will develop.

Two Months

Your baby is now about the size of a kidney bean and is constantly moving. He has distinct, slightly webbed fingers.

Three Months

By now your baby is about 3 inches long and weighs nearly an ounce. Her tiny, unique fingerprints are now in place.

Four Months

Your baby is now about 5 inches long and weighs 5 ounces. His skeleton is starting to harden from rubbery cartilage to bone.

Five Months

Eyebrows and eyelids are now in place. Your baby would now be more than 10 inches long if you stretched out her legs.

Six Months

Your baby weighs about a pound and a half. His wrinkled skin is starting to smooth out as he puts on baby fat.

Seven Months

By now, your baby weighs about 3 pounds and is more than 15 inches long. She can open and close her eyes and follow a light.

Eight Months

Your baby now weighs about 4 3/4 pounds. His layers of fat are filling him out, making him rounder, and his lungs are well developed.

Nine Months

The average baby is more than 19 inches long and weighs nearly 7 pounds now, but babies vary widely in size at this stage

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Pregnancy - The First Signs

Written by Doroby on 8:22 AM

By Jean Simmer

Pregnancy, whether it is expected or not, usually presents itself in many different ways. The first and most common sign of pregnancy is the missing of the menstruation. For women who have regular menstrual cycles, marking down her period can easily tell her when she is late. Many women, nowadays, will not even wait until their missed period and will do a pregnancy test before their missed period. Newest pregnancy tests are able to detect a pregnancy even before the missed period.

Pregnancy can also present itself by the typical morning sickness. Although these nauseas and vomiting have been described to be more of a morning problem, they can occur all day long. Women who are pregnant should rejoice when they are experiencing morning sickness as this can be a sign of good hormone levels in their body, telling them that their pregnancy is going well. For example, a stopped pregnancy is often accompanied by a lowering or even stopping of the morning sickness.

Some pregnant women will not feel any nausea throughout their pregnancy and that can be perfectly normal. For the other women experiencing nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, there are many helpful ways to control them and a pregnant woman should know that most nausea of pregnancy tend to settle after the 16th week of pregnancy.

Pregnancy can also present itself in the form of breast tenderness. It is normal that the pregnant woman's breast tissues by being stimulated by the pregnancy hormones will grow and experience tenderness. Such discomforts can be managed by wearing a supportive bra and will again settle with time.

Pregnancy can also present itself by a frequent need to urinate. The frequent need to urinate during pregnancy is caused by the new hormones and the pressure exerted on the bladder by the growing uterus.

Another frequent sign of a beginning gestation is the fact that the pregnant woman feels more tired than usual. She may experience the need to sleep more hours than usual or have lower energy throughout the day.

Once a woman suspects she is pregnant, she should write down the first day of her last menstrual period as this will be very important during her pregnancy. She should also do a confirmation pregnancy test and then contact her health care provider. For most women, the confirmation of a beginning pregnancy will be a very positive event in their life. If for a woman, the finding of a pregnancy is not a welcomed event, she should take the time to sit down with her spouse and consider all the involvement for them.

For more information and pregnancy and natural childbirth, please visit us at: and

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Vitamin C During Pregnancy Offsets Smoking Harm

Written by Doroby on 8:21 AM

By Rebecca Prescott

Whilst most women are aware of the negative effects smoking whilst pregnant can have on their developing baby, many still cannot give up. The good news is that researchers believe that taking vitamin C can counteract some of these effects.

Smoking during pregnancy can lead to premature delivery of the baby, poor growth, and in some instances, is implicated in fetal deaths. It can also affect the way the infant's lungs develop, as nicotine can cross the placenta. As a result, babies may have less lung function and develop more respiratory illnesses.

But a group of researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University found that in baby monkeys given both nicotine and vitamin C, the flow of air in the lungs was close to normal. There were three groups of pregnant monkeys in the study - one group was given only nicotine, one given neither nicotine nor vitamin C, and one group given both. The nicotine given was comparable to that which a pregnant mother would smoke. The group given nothing acted as the control group.

Whilst this study was done on monkeys, the team behind the study believe that the results are very relevant to humans. But more work needs to be done to determine how much vitamin C is needed for smoking pregnant mothers to get similar benefits. And to ensure that higher amounts of vitamin C during pregnancy doesn't cause other unwanted effects.

The researchers did stress that despite the positive benefits of vitamin C during pregnancy, it did not counteract all of smoking's negative effects on the fetus. For example, lower body weight and nicotine's effect on brain development were still a potential issue.

Another benefit of taking vitamin C during pregnancy is that it may decrease the chance of their waters breaking too early. This is true for all women irrespective of whether they are smokers or not. This research was done by a team in Mexico at the National Institute of Perinatology, this time on humans. The women in this study were either given a placebo or 100mg of vitamin C per day. And the group who received the vitamin C had a lot less instances where their waters broke early. This meant less premature births with the associated risk of infections.

The women in the study received the vitamin C from the 20th week of pregnancy until they gave birth. Vitamin C helps maintain the collagen in the membranes that hold the amniotic fluid in place.


If you'd like to learn more about the effects of vitamin C, including the different forms this supplement is available in, check out this article. And for herb pregnancy advice on which herbs to avoid and which can reduce the effects of morning sickness, see this article.

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The Effects of Pregnancy in Oral Health

Written by Doroby on 8:20 AM

By Robert Melkonyan

Pregnancy can have different effects in the woman's overall health condition. Most pregnant women can notice some changes in the gums throughout pregnancy, including redness and bleeding of the gums when brushing the teeth. In addition, some women can experience severe bleeding and swelling. These changes are known pregnancy gingivitis that usually starts on the second month of the pregnancy. Pregnancy gingivitis tends to increase around eight month and may decrease after giving birth.

This condition is usual in the front area of the mouth. The symptoms of pregnancy gingivitis are the same with the common gingivitis but may have different causes. Progesterone level in the body during pregnancy can reach up to ten percent higher than the normal level, which can improve certain bacterial growth that results to gingivitis. In addition, during pregnancy, the immune system works differently, which can change the body's reaction to bacteria.

To be able to reduce pregnancy gingivitis effects, it is best to have a good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth at least two times a day for two minutes is recommended. Make sure to floss every day as well. Antimicrobial mouthwash is advisable to prevent gum infection. Some doctors suggest that rinses that have no alcohol content are better though there is no proof that alcohol-based mouthwash may have bad effects on pregnancy.

During pregnancy, it is important to visit your dentist to check your oral health especially the condition of your gums. Pregnancy gingivitis can be treated using professional cleaning, which can be performed anytime in your pregnancy especially on the second trimester. However, advanced and aggressive treatments including periodontal surgery are not recommended until after giving birth.

Another effect of pregnancy in oral health is pregnancy granuloma or pyogenic granuloma, also known as pregnancy tumor. Two to ten percent of pregnant women may suffer from this condition, which is a growth in the gums. Though it is also called pregnancy tumor, it is not cancerous and dangerous. Pregnancy granuloma usually develops in the second trimester or pregnancy where red nodules that are commonly found in the upper gum line. However, red nodules can be found anywhere in the mouth as well. These nodules can easily bleed, which can form a crust or ulcer.

Pregnancy granuloma causes are still unknown but poor oral hygiene is usually a main factor. Blood vessel malformations, trauma, viruses and hormones can also be factors of the condition.

Tooth loss is also a common condition for pregnant women due to sever morning sickness or frequent vomiting, which can affect the enamel of the front teeth. It is necessary to contact your dentist if you are experiencing frequent vomiting to know different medications to prevent tooth erosion.

Dry mouth is also an effect of pregnancy. You can prevent dry mouth through drinking water and having hard cadies that are free from sugar or sugarless gum to help in the stimulation of the saliva.

On the other hand, excessive saliva can also be an effect or pregnancy though it is less common, which happens in the early stages of pregnancy. Excessive saliva may be connected to nausea. Women who are planning to get pregnant should visit a dentist for oral checkup and treatment. Gums and teeth needs special attention during pregnancy, so right nutrition and regular brushing is important.

To learn about the importance of periodontal examination and to understand how Pregnancy affects dental health, visit our website to get answers straight from qualified dentists at

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Dangerous Foods That Should Be Avoided During Pregnancy

Written by Doroby on 8:18 AM

By Groshan Fabiola

Pregnancy is a natural condition and even though brings significant changes in women's life, it can be easily overcome by having a balanced lifestyle and support from the family. It is important to mention that a pregnant woman should be aware of her condition and should adopt a proper diet in order to mantain a good health for herself and for the baby. In addition to this, women should inform themselves regarding the foods that should present risks and should be avoided during the pregnancy and choose only the ones that aren't considered dangerous for the baby.

First of all, pregnant women should avoid undercooked meats because of their risk to be infested with harmful bacteria such as e.coli or salmonella. By eating undercooked meats, pregnant women may face serious dysfunctions like diarrhea or nausea and even more they can lead to other complications which may put the life of the baby in danger by causing miscarriage or preterm birth. Moreover this category of dangerous foods includes: deli meats, undercooked chicken, pork or read meat, sushi and raw seafood.

Secondly, another aliment which is not allowed in the diets for pregnant women are raw eggs. Due to their risk of carrying salmonella, raw eggs can cause food poisoning that may lead to severe diarrhea or sickness and even preterm labor. In order to avoid raw eggs, pregnant women should quit eating different foods such as eggnog, cookie batter, ceasar salad dressing and also homemade ice cream. Furthermore, other categories of dangerous foods during pregnancy are the unpasteurized food and beverages. Even though, milk is considered an healthy drinking because it provides calcium to the body, unpasteurized milk may consist a dangerous bacteria called listeria which is responsible for many illnesses every year. Foods which may contain listeria are: first of all raw milk, unpasteurized juice and also different kinds of cheeses.

Thirdly, even though many people consider that fish is an healthy food, the truth is that not all the fish is good for pregnancy. Moreover, fish is important for an healthy pregnancy by providing omega-3 fatty acids, on the other hand there are certain fish which have very high levels of methyl mercury. In addition to this methyl mercury is very dangerous for the unborn baby by causing serious neurological damages and also developmental problems. In the category of fish which contain high levels of methyl mercury are : the shark, the swordfish, the tilefish and king mackerel. Another category of dangerous fish is farm raised fish which contain polycarbonated biphenyls (PCBs), environmental toxins that may affect the health of the fetus.

Pregnant women should be quite careful when they choose their foods and drinks and they should always look on the labels in order to detect the substances that are considered dangerous for their pregnancy. A toxic substance which is found most of the times in soft drink and candies is aspartame, a chemical product that may lead to severe disease such as cancer. It is important to mention that alcohol during pregnancy may cause severe damages to the baby by preventing him from getting oxygen and nutrients and moreover heavy drinking may produce to the baby serious mental and physical dysfunctions.

For more inforamtion about teenage pregnancy please visit or

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Baby Clothing

Written by Doroby on 9:05 AM

Summary By Victor Thomas

Baby Girl Clothing

Babies are considered as a gift of God. Selection of baby clothing is boundless. Most of the parents find it very difficult as well as delicate to choose right clothes for their babies. There are various on-line shops for buying clothes for your babies.

Various considerations have to be remembered while you go for shopping.

  • Babies do not like their clothes being changed often. Choose clothes that are easy to change and simple to put on and remove.
  • Clothes that open in front will be easier to wear off.
  • Go for clothes with elastic waist bands and skirts or trousers therefore it will easy for you to adjust it.
  • Shoulder straps used clothes will be comfortable for both girl as well as boy baby.

Always prefer branded socks.

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Pregnancy, Sex, and the Changes in Your Life

Written by Doroby on 8:17 AM

By Tony C Edwards

Pregnancy is a wondrous time, but it can also leave you with many questions. Pregnancy is considered the greatest godsend in the life of a woman because it gives her the opportunity to procreate, to bring forth a being. Pregnancy is an exciting time and a great opportunity to learn about your child's growth and development. Whether this is your first baby or you are a bit more experienced, pregnancy is an exciting time of anticipation and wonder. Pregnancy is a nine-month marathon, and smart moms-to-be begin training well in advance.


Pregnancy is the medical terminology for the state or condition when a female mammal carries one or more developing young ones inside her body (precisely the uterus).

It is typically broken into three periods, or trimesters, each consisting of about three months. Pregnancy is measured in trimesters from the first day of your last menstrual period (LMP), totaling 40 weeks. Accurate dating of pregnancy is important, because it is used in calculating the results of various prenatal tests (for example, in the triple test).


Sex during pregnancy is a low-risk behavior except when the physician advises that sexual intercourse be avoided, which may, in some pregnancies, lead to serious pregnancy complications or health issues such as a high-risk for premature labor or a ruptured uterus. Sex causes no problems during an uncomplicated pregnancy, and sexual interest often changes during different phases of a pregnancy. Research suggests that, during pregnancy, both sexual desire and frequency of sexual relations decrease. Most pregnant women can enjoy sexual intercourse throughout.


A number of changes will be observed in a pregnant woman's body at various stages of pregnancy. In the first four weeks, the uterus is usually enlarged and irregularly softened. The cervix (the opening of the uterus) becomes softer and bluish or purple reflecting the increased blood supply to the uterus. At six weeks, the uterus can sometimes be easily flexed at the markedly softened isthmus.

What kinds of emotional changes might I expect? What kinds of lifestyle changes should I be thinking of? Pregnancy makes it necessary to make changes in your daily activities and relationships. Fatigue is an early sign of pregnancy which is caused by hormonal changes.

Throughout your pregnancy, you may notice a number of mild to severe effects, including:

Constipation, due to hormonal changes that slow down the normal function of your bowels.
Mood swings, which can be caused by hormonal changes, extreme fatigue, or the stress of expecting a new baby.
Changes in breathing due to hormonal changes and to the pressure the growing baby is putting on the organs inside a woman's body.
The body's posture changes as the pregnancy progresses due to weight gain.
Normal symptoms you may experience during the second trimester of pregnancy include:

Breast changes. The swelling is caused by hormonal changes similar to those a woman may have before her periods.
Increasing heart output. Pounding heart rate or abnormal heartbeats sometimes due to the pressure various organs put on the heart as the baby grows.
Greater urine output.
These changes are caused by steroid hormones, lactogen and cortisol.

When pregnancy reaches term and childbirth becomes imminent, the mother experiences regular painful uterine contractions, which is generally accompanied by changes in her cervix (which undergoes dilation and effacement). Other changes can include stretch marks, itchiness, and other skin changes. Changes in the relationship with your partner are inevitable, as your focus shifts to your own and your future child's well being.

The choice you make regarding the outcome of your pregnancy is a personal decision. As many moms will tell you, pregnancy is a marathon and being physically fit will help you cope with the physical challenges of both pregnancy and childbirth. For free books, reports and info go here Preganacy and Prenatals.

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Written by Doroby on 6:06 AM

Executive Summary By Elizabeth Morgan

The birth of an infant is a wonderful process. By nature, the male organ ejects sperms and the female organ produces eggs. Normally, in women who haven’t reached menopause, ovaries release an egg once a month. This egg travels through the fallopian tube toward the uterus. When the male sperm reaches the egg in the fallopian tube, fertilization occurs. Pregnancy causes a number of changes in a woman’s body in the first trimester (0 to 12 weeks). Other symptoms include fatigue, nausea and vomiting and enlarging breasts. However, a woman having these symptoms isn’t necessarily pregnant. The surest way to confirm pregnancy is a pregnancy test.

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Written by Doroby on 5:46 AM

Getting Pregnant
Executive Summary By Kent Pinkerton

Most women do not conceive on their first try. Women under 30 usually conceive after trying for 12 to 18 months. Statistics show that only 25% of women become pregnant after their first cycle. In most women, if the cycle is regular, ovulation period occurs between the 11th and 21st day of the cycle. High alcohol consumption can also cause infertility among men and women. It reduces the normal hormone production, which inhibits fertility. Recreational drugs like cocaine, marijuana, heroin, and barbiturates can also reduce the chances of getting pregnant.

Overweight or underweight women find it difficult to conceive. Severe stress and depression can also reduce your chances of getting pregnant.

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Written by Doroby on 5:42 AM

Pregnancy Info - Where to Get Questions Answered

Executive Summary By Amber Torija

Lets face it though, if you are or ever have been pregnant, you know that once the initial joy wears off the questions begin to flood in.

I am a mother of three beautiful children and all of my pregnancies were as different as the children that they produced. I have many "first time mom" friends and since I have been through it three times they consider me a savant on the subject of pregnancy. My husband laughs at the library of pregnancy books that I have stacked in the house. Being pregnant goes in stages of emotions. Once I reached the latter stages of pregnancy I worried about how I would take care of this new precious gift. Some would refer this to being the "nesting" phase of pregnancy.

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Pregnancy Supplements To Avoid For A Healthy Birth

Written by Doroby on 7:16 AM

Prenatal vitamins are an important source of folate and other vital nutrients during pregnancy. And many women, with the popularity of herbal medicine, take other herbs during pregnancy. Some of these herbs they may have been taking before, for an existing condition. Others, they may take to help cope with some of the physical difficulties that go with pregnancy. The following supplements and food additives should be avoided during pregnancy to avoid potential problems with the health of the baby.

Quinine - Quinine is found in many drinks like tonic water, and these are popular as a result of their slightly bitter taste. But it was found that one woman who drunk more than 1 liter of tonic water a day whilst she was pregnant had a baby that was suffering withdrawal symptoms when it was born. It had nervous tremors within a day of being born, which disappeared two months later. Germany's BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment) recommends that pregnant women treat quinine drinks, no matter how small the amount of quinine in them, as a medicinal product, and avoid them as a precaution during pregnancy.
Ginseng - One of the more than 20 active constituents of ginseng was found by researchers at the Chinese University of the Hong Kong Prince of Wales Hospital to be a possible cause for concern for pregnant women. These researchers were measuring the effect of this active principle on fetal development in rats. And they found that, relating to the dose, rat embryonic development was affected. Higher doses meant a higher level of abnormalities, according to the markers of development their study used.
Now, this study was one done on rat embryos, and so may not translate into similar effects on humans. And it only studied the effects of one of ginseng's active constituents, which was a ginsenoside called Rb1. Ginseng actually has over 20 ginsenosides, and other studies have found that these each have different actions.

One of the difficulties with studying active constituents in herbal medicine is that the whole herbal extract may have a very different overall effect than a single constituent. This is because of the way active principles both work together and counteract each other. These two aspects, the fact that the study was not done on humans, and does not measure the overall effect of the whole ginseng extract, mean that its results should be treated cautiously. As a safety precaution, at this time it is best to at least avoid ginseng supplements during the first trimester, as the authors of the study suggest, and probably for the whole of the pregnancy. But ginseng should certainly not be branded dangerous as a result of this research as it is only a very preliminary finding in the overall picture, and more points the way as to where further research needs to be done.

Ginkgo Biloba - Ginkgo biloba is another supplement that is best avoided whilst pregnant. Researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit found one of the constituents of ginkgo biloba in the placenta of women who had taken ginkgo supplements. This particular constituent, an alkaloid called colchicine, can be fatal in high doses, though medicinally, it has great anti-inflammatory effects. Other research has found that cochicine can harm a growing fetus. The potential problem with taking ginkgo supplements regularly whilst pregnant is that colchicine can build up in the womb, like caffeine when taken in excess of the recommended maximum amounts. The researchers did stress that there was no link established in the study between ginkgo and complications in the pregnancy, the study only looked at levels of colchicine in the womb.

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40 Weeks Of Pregnancy Information - An Overview In The Form Of A Week By Week Guide

Written by Doroby on 8:04 AM

Week by week pregnancy information is necessary and such information helps the would-be mothers and her partner to cope with this exciting period of their life. There are many anxieties and issues a would-be mother confronts during the pregnancy cycle and a few weeks beyond that. If the women have week by week information related to all aspects of pregnancy, the pregnant woman and her family is aware about the various physical and emotional changes that are expected during the stipulated time frame.

Pregnancy Calculator Week By Week

The pregnancy calculation, for the above-mentioned purposes, is done such that the pregnancy weeks are counted from the first day of LMP i.e. the Last Menstrual Period. Therefore, as per this calculation procedure, in the first two weeks of pregnancy, there actually is no pregnancy. The eggs do not fertilize till about two weeks and the baby is therefore actually expected within 38 weeks of fertilization.

Stages Of Pregnancy

The 40 weeks of pregnancy are divided into three stages viz., first trimester pregnancy, second trimester pregnancy and third trimester pregnancy. The first trimester includes weeks 1 to 12, the second section includes weeks 13 to 26 and the last trimester stretches form week 27 to the day of delivery, which is approximately around week 40. The maximum a pregnancy period could stretch is week 42.

All 3 sections of the pregnancy wheel are divided keeping in view the specific characteristics shared by the weeks. The first few weeks, for example are considered as extremely sensitive and therefore are marked as high-risk weeks. The second trimester charts out the baby’s development in a spectacular way. The third trimester, besides continuing to provide information about the baby’s development, also prominently includes the drastic changes the mother’s body undergoes in an attempt to prepare for final pregnancy delivery.

Expected Pregnancy Due Date

There is no precise pregnancy calculator that can perhaps chart out the exact pregnancy due date. All that pregnancy due date calculators can do is possibly generate an expected date of delivery and in only very few instances is this pregnancy due date correct. There are various circumstantial factors affecting pregnancy birth and even the most learned of health care practitioners would not predict any specific date.

The Overall Structure Of Weekly Pregnancy Information

The ideal week-by-week pregnancy information or guide should cover the entire 40 weeks and each week should enumerate the minutest development the baby undergoes. The information further should include the changes mothers experience and the way their body transforms to give birth to a newborn. The 40 weeks of pregnancy further touch upon various pregnancy and childbirth related issues like, what kind of maternity clothes to buy, pregnancy exercise, baby shower favors, early pregnancy symptoms, how to get rid of stretch marks, etc. Concisely a good week-by-week pregnancy guide should encapsulate all that your pregnancy puts you through.

Pregnancy week-by-week information or guide empowers expectant mother with all the information they need to cruse through their pregnancy period and take care of the pregnancy health. Read more articles related to weekly development of baby on Pregnancy-WeekByWeek.Info

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Green Tea Side Effects During Pregnancy

Written by Doroby on 7:15 AM

Pregnant women would be wise to limit the amount of green tea they drink during pregnancy, and should be careful about taking any green tea supplements. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and has a host of health benefits relating to dental health, blood sugar levels, cholesterol, and weight loss. But researchers have found, whilst examining the active constituent of green tea, the epigallocatechins, or EGCG for short, that it may affect the way the body uses folate. Folate is important for pregnant women as it prevents neural tube birth defects in babies.

The problem of green tea during pregnancy is that the EGCG molecules are structurally similar to a compound called methotrexate. Methotrexate is able to kill cancer cells by chemically bonding with an enzyme in the body called enzyme dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR). Healthy people have this enzyme also - it is part of what is called the folate pathway, which is the pathway, or steps, the body takes to transform nutrients like folate into something that can be used to support its normal functions.

But this chemical similarity means that the EGCG in green tea also binds with the enzyme DHFR, and when it does this, it inactivates this enzyme. When this enzyme is inactivated, the ability of the body to use folate is going to be affected. How much green tea is able to be consumed, or precisely how much folate absorption is affected, is unclear. Though the research article did say that drinking 2 cups of green tea a day can stop cancer cells (which is what methotrexate is targeting) from growing.

The good news on caffeine drank during pregnancy, from coffee and tea, is that a moderate amount is fine. Two studies, one by Danish scientists who interviewed more than 88,000 pregnant women, and the other by the Yale University School of Medicine, had similar findings on caffeine during pregnancy.

The concerns over caffeine were that it would lead to low birth weight or miscarriage. And this is still true of a very high daily intake of coffee. The Yale team found that drinking about 600mg of caffeine a day, which is about 6 cups of coffee, would reduce birth weight to levels that were clinically significant. The rate at which birth weight was reduced was established at being 28 grams per 100 mg, or 1 cup, of coffee per day. But they emphasized that this would not be significant for moderate caffeine consumption.

The Danish study found that drinking 8 cups or more of coffee per day (this would be about 16 cups or more of tea), would increase the chances of miscarriage, or stillbirth, by 60% compared to women who did not drink caffeine. They also found that moderate coffee or tea drinking did not pose significant risks. For those drinking half a cup to 3 cups of coffee a day, the risk of fetal death was 3% higher compared to non-caffeine drinkers. And for those drinking 4 to 7 cups of coffee a day, the risk increases to 33%. One cup of coffee equals about 2 cups of tea when comparing caffeine levels. The recommended amount of coffee drunk is up to 3 cups daily, or 6 cups of tea, by the UK food agency.

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5 Tips For Exercising Safely During Your Pregnancy

Written by Doroby on 7:09 AM

Pregnant women are required to perform some kind of low bearing exercise during their pregnancy to ensure that their muscles are ready for the stresses of labor. If you exercised regularly prior to becoming pregnant, and are already in good shape, then you only need to maintain it. Check with your medical provider that the kind of exercise program you follow is safe for the baby and continue it as long as you can. Below are some general tips to keep in mind:

1. Change In Your Exercise Routine Is Necessary

Especially during the first and third trimesters, you will need to cut back on any heavy load bearing exercises such as weightlifting. You will need to switch to low impact exercises such as aqua-aerobics, yoga or pilates. Another option is to contact a qualified doctor or fitness trainer, preferably a fitness trainer that is experienced working with pregnant women.

2. Safe Pregnancy Exercises

- Yoga
- Pilates
- Aqua- Aerobics
- Other exercises that strengthen the back
- Stomach and abdominal exercises

3. Reduce Back Pain

Stretching can help to ease the pains that come with carrying the extra weight on your body, and the relaxation exercises will be invaluable when it comes to labor. Yoga is one exercise program that will give you an edge on labor, especially if you can master the breathing techniques. Swimming is also a perfect form of pregnancy exercise. You should avoid exercises that have as their intent muscular toning and building. When pregnant, it’s important that the body is kept at a good level of fitness, but it’s equally important not to undertake pregnancy exercise to an extreme.

4. Weight Management

Exercising while pregnant helps you manage your weight in two ways. First it enables you to burn more calories, this counters any tenancies to overeat while pregnant. Secondly it helps you get into the habit of exercising. If you start a regular exercise routine while you’re pregnant you’ll be able to continue it after you have your baby and easily drop your baby fat.

5. Mood Swings and Stress

Did you know that exercising in general helps to offset mood swings and alleviate stress? We all know mood swings are a common symptom of pregnancy… and pregnancy can definitely be stressful for some women. It’s been documented in many studies that woman (and men) who exercise regularly are in a better place emotionally and report less stress in their lives and low as opposed to people who do not exercise regularly.

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Pregnancy, fish oil and smarter babies

Written by Doroby on 9:00 AM

By David McEvoy

According to a recent study which was published in the ‘Archives of Disease in Childhood' in 2006, babies born to women who took fish oil supplements during the last 4 months of pregnancy had better hand to eye coordination, were better speakers and could understand more at the age of two and a half, than babies born to mothers who were given olive oil instead.

The Study

The double blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial was conducted by the University of Western Australia and led by Professor Susan Prescott. Also involved in the study were King Edward Memorial Hospital for Women, Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and Telethon Institute for Child Health Research and Centre for Child Health Research Australia.

A total of 98 women were initially enrolled in the study, all of who were non smokers and who did not regularly consume more than 2 portions of oily fish a week. A total of eighty three of these women completed the study. Researchers gave half of the women in the trial 4gr of fish oil supplements on a daily basis from twenty weeks of pregnancy and these supplements contained a combination of both Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The remainder of the women were given 4gr of Olive Oil. Development checks were carried out on a total of 72 of the babies when they had reached the age of two and a half years.

The children whose mothers received fish oil had a significantly higher score for eye-hand coordination than the babies whose mothers had been given olive oil instead. The growth rates were similar in both groups, as were the general language skills, however, the fish oil group showed higher scores for receptive language, phrase length and vocabulary. The positive results were not related to possibly influential factors such as maternal age and length of time breastfeeding as these factors had already been accounted for.

Fatty acids and the brain

The link between Omega 3 fatty acids and the brain has already been well established and many studies have now shown that fish oil can alleviate the symptoms or help to prevent the onset of several types of depressive disorders, including post natal depression. EPA in particular is believed to improve concentration and memory and cognitive function in general, and some studies have shown it can even help to prevent or slow down the progress of Alzheimer's disease.

It is during the last three months of pregnancy that the baby's brain is developing very rapidly and so this is a time when it is particularly vital that the mother gets enough of the essential Omega 3 fatty acids that are only found in any significant quantities in oily fish such as Salmon, Tuna, Mackerel, Herring and Anchovies. These fatty acids facilitate healthy structure and development of the brain and many professionals now believe it is DHA that is important for the structure of the brain and EPA for efficient functioning of the brain on a day to day basis.

Scientists at The University of Bristol in the UK are currently investigating the benefits of giving fish oil to children, as much of the evidence to date has come from dietary factors during pregnancy. For example, previous research by Bristol University found that children whose mothers ate fish regularly during pregnancy had better vision and cognitive development and behaviour than those whose mothers ate little or no fish.

So why don't we just eat more fish?

Due to the potentially high levels of toxins, particularly mercury, in fresh fish, the current recommendation is for pregnant women and women and girls who might have a baby one day in the future to eat no more than 2 portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily, and no more than 4 portions of fish for everyone else, no more than two of which should be oily.

The indications are that Pharmaceutical grade fish oil might be an option for everyone, including during pregnancy and beyond. Indeed, this type of fish oil is superior to standard grade fish oils and is becoming increasingly popular because the processes involved in producing it means the oil has been filtered and concentrated to contain high levels of the all important fatty acids without the danger of toxins associated with fresh fish.


The Australian study would appear to suggest that there are no adverse effects for mother or baby from taking relatively high doses of fish oil in late pregnancy. Not only can it have a beneficial effect on baby's cognitive development and reduce the risk of developing post natal depression, there are also numerous other health benefits associated with taking fish oil. However, if you are pregnant or trying to conceive and would like to consider the option of taking fish oil supplements, it is important that you discuss the implications with your doctor or other health care provider first.

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Pregnancy Stages - An Essential Guide to Pregnant Mothers

Written by Doroby on 7:51 AM

By Juzaily Ramli

This is a basic guide to pregnancy which covers issues like the different stages to pregnancy and what usually takes place when a woman is pregnant. It is important to note that not all pregnancies progress in the same way, however this guide will be helpful to first time mothers and the men in their lives as it provides very basic information on what to expect during a normal pregnancy.

In a way, being prepared would help them avoid unwanted miscarriage from happening. It is important for a pregnant woman to receive good prenatal care throughout the various stages of pregnancy. Also, a good relationship with the doctor will be very helpful for both the expecting parents as the doctor will be able to explain and offer advice that are crucial for each stage of pregnancy.

The first thing that every expectant woman should know is that a normal pregnancy takes up to 40 weeks. This period is divided into three sections called trimesters, in which each trimester lasts about 13 weeks. Therefore each pregnancy goes through the first trimester, second trimester and third trimester. The development of the fetus in the pregnant woman is normally discussed according to the different trimesters.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the changes can be very subtle and most times are not associated with being pregnant. One change that affects many women is the nausea and morning sickness or vomiting. However, in most cases, a woman might not associate the vomiting to being pregnant, more to being ill. Even though it is termed as morning sickness, it can be experienced at any time throughout the day.

Morning sickness is the result of changes in the woman's hormones. As the hormones change in a woman's body, it results in the feeling of nausea and morning sickness. Also, after the first month, the fetus in the pregnant woman starts to produce hormones. This surge in hormones will also add to the nausea and vomiting.

Not only that, the fluctuating hormones can cause some pregnant women to experience food cravings as well as irritability or unexpected and unpredictable mood swings. However it is good to know that the unpredictable mood swings will not last long. They will become less frequent after the end of the first trimester.

During the second trimester, a pregnant woman would have adapted to the various changes that has taken place in her body. At this stage the body has adjusted to the presence of a growing fetus. During this second trimester also, the fetus would have developed its own organs and has features which could already be identified.

The pregnant mother will also go through a noticeable weight gain. This is a natural progression, however, it should not be too abrupt more so for a first pregnancy. A weight gain that is too much too fast could indicate multiple births. On the other hand it could also be an indication of problems with the fetus or the expectant mother.

The fetus will have developed all of its own organs, most of them functional during the third trimester of a pregnancy. Most times, the fetus is delivered when the woman has gone through 38 to 40 weeks of pregnancy. However, should a fetus need to be delivered before that, it could survive on its own with medical assistance. This premature birth could occur from the 30th week.

It is during this last trimester that the pregnant woman will feel most uncomfortable. The expectant mother will be carrying the growing fetus in her, with the fetus applying pressure to the mother's internal organs. This pressure could make the mother feel the need to urinate more often and could also cause back aches. The mother will also find it too uncomfortable to be able to get a good night's sleep, which could add to her discomfort and fatigue.

This basic guide offers information on the major stages and development of the normal pregnancy. To get more detailed information, it is advisable for both parents to seek guidance from the local physician or obstetrician and gynecologist. Once the expecting parents are armed with information, it will be easier to recognize and understand the various stages of a pregnancy.

Juzaily Ramli is the owner of Pregnancy Website. Find out why it is so important to be prepared for your pregnancy at an early stage at Pregnancy Stages.

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10 Steps to Getting Healthy Before Pregnancy

Written by Doroby on 7:02 AM

What you do before pregnancy can help you and your baby have a healthy pregnancy.
1. Take folic acid. Take a multivitamin with 400 micrograms of folic acid every day. Taking folic acid before and during early pregnancy can help your baby’s brain and spinal cord develop properly. Look on the label of the vitamin bottle to see if it contains the necessary amount of folic acid.
Eat a healthy diet that includes foods that contain folate, the natural form of the vitamin. Such foods include fortified breads and breakfast cereals, beans, leafy green vegetables and orange juice.
2. Get a checkup before pregnancy. Preconception care is medical care you get before you're pregnant. The goal is to evaluate your health and identify health and lifestyle risks that may affect your pregnancy. 
One of the most important steps you can take to have a healthy pregnancy is to see your health care provider before you conceive. Your provider can help you be as healthy as possible before and during your pregnancy. Ideally, you should see the provider who will take care of you during your pregnancy, although you also can vist you primary care provider. 
Don't forget about dental health! See your dentist before you get pregnant. If there's any chance you may be pregnant, tell you dentist and wait until after the baby is born to have dental x-rays.  
3. Eat right and maintain a healthy weight. You’ll feel better and start your pregnancy off right if you eat a variety of nutritious foods every day. Avoid foods high in fat and sugar. Eat foods from each of the five food groups: fruits, vegetables, proteins (like chicken, fish and dried beans), grains, and milk products.
Cut back on caffeine. Limit the coffee you drink to no more than one 12-ounce cup of coffee each day. Remember, the amount of caffeine in coffee varies, depending upon the type of coffee, how it is prepared, and the amount of coffee used. Caffeine can also be found in soft drinks, medications and other foods. Try coffees and teas that are decaffeinated, or drink water, milk or juice. Be sure to read labels on food, drinks and medicine to know how much caffeine you're getting.
For more information about eating right, read the March of Dimes fact sheet about food-borne illness and pregnancy.
Try to get to a healthy weight before you get pregnant. If you're underweight (weigh too little), it may be easier to get pregnant if you get to a healthier weight. If you're overweight (weigh too much), try to lose weight before you get pregnant. Check with your health care provider if you're unsure what your ideal weight is. It's not safe to try to lose weight once you're pregnant.
4. Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke. Smoking may make it harder for you to get pregnant. If you smoke while you're pregnant, your baby is at greater risk for being born prematurely or too small. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of pregnancy complications and SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). The best time to stop smoking is before you get pregnant. If you need help, ask your health care provider for advice. Smoke from other people’s cigarettes can also be harmful. Try to avoid secondhand smoke, too.

To get help for quitting, see the March of Dimes fact sheet about smoking during pregnancy.
5. Stop drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol (beer, liquor, wine and wine coolers) can make it harder for you to get pregnant. Drinking alcohol before or during pregnancy can cause your baby to have conditions that can create lifelong problems like:

  • Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), a combination of physical and mental defects
  • Heart defects, growth problems and problems with brain development

If you need help to stop drinking, ask your health care provider.
6. Don’t use illegal drugs. Taking illegal or "street drugs" during pregnancy is risky for mother and baby. Women who use cocaine are at higher risk of miscarriage and preterm labor. Babies exposed to heroin are likely to be born addicted. Babies exposed to illegal drugs also are more likely to have learning or behavioral problems later in life. Women who use methamphetamines or marijuana may have babies that are too small. If you need help to stop, ask your health care provider. 
7. Avoid infections. Some infections can harm a developing baby. Wash your hands well with soap and water after using the bathroom, blowing your nose or touching soil. Avoid potentially unsafe foods such as raw meat and fish and unpasteurized milk products.Wash all fruits and vegetables well. If you have a cat, ask someone else to change the litter box. Stay away from rodents, including pet mice, hamsters and guinea pigs.
Find out if you have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Without treatment, these infections pose special risks for pregnant women and their babies. At a preconception visit, ask your provider about screening tests for HIV or other STIs. To avoid STIs, have sex with only one person who doesn't have any other sex partners and who doesn't have an STI.
8. Limit exposure to hazards. Avoid hazardous chemicals, like cleaning supplies and insect killers. Stay away from strong-smelling cleansers, chemicals and paint. You may reduce your risk by wearing rubber gloves and working in a well-ventilated area. If your water pipes are old, you may want to have them tested for lead or or drink filtered or bottled water. Ask your health care provider for advice about hazardous substances and chemicals.
9. Learn about genetics. Your health care provider will take your health history and ask about the health of members of your family. Based on this information, your doctor or nurse may recommend that you see a genetic counselor to learn about your risk of having a baby with a birth defect. For more information, see the Birth Defects and Genetics section of this Web site.
10. Avoid stress and get fit. Too much stress may be harmful for you and your baby. High levels of stress may increase the risk of preterm labor and low birthweight. Start reducing stress now. Identify causes of stress and try to reduce them. Ask partners, family and friends for emotional stupport. Or get professional help. Use relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing. Call a hotline or ask your health care provider or another trusted person for help if you're in a relationship where you're in danger of being harmed. This could be verbal or physical abuse.
Exercise regularly and get fit. Exercising for 30 minutes on all or most days of the week is a good way to help maintain or lose weight, build fitness and reduce stress. If you aren't already exercising, now is a good time to start. Talk to your health care provider about fitness activities that are right for you. Some good choices before and during pregnancy include walking, swimming and yoga.
Don’t forget to help Dad get healthy, too! To improve your chances of getting pregnant, it’s important for your partner to take care of himself, exercise, eat right and stop smoking, drinking or taking illegal drugs.

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Pregnancy Stages - What To Expect

Written by Doroby on 7:47 AM

By Judy Wellsworth

Pregnancy is traditionally divided into three stages which last about 13 weeks each. Different events characterize these three stages and women must be well informed about what's going through their bodies all throughout these stages.

1st Trimester: Conception to 12th week

This is the first stage and unquestionably the time when you are most fragile. This is when the baby begins to grow and starts developing its body parts and vital organs. It is also when most miscarriages and spontaneous abortions occur.

It is important to have a checkup as early as possible, once you suspect that you are pregnant. Knowing that you are indeed carrying a baby inside you will motivate you to become more cautious of the substances that you eat or drink.

Alcohol and caffeine, for instance, should be avoided. You must also begin to take prenatal vitamins at this stage because the fetus needs certain vitamins and minerals at this crucial stage of development. Deficiencies in these important nutrients may lead to untreatable congenital defects.

This is the pregnancy stage when you could possibly experience nausea and vomiting, also known as "morning sickness." You will also find yourself looking for strange foods or having a ravenous appetite.

The cause of these cravings is unknown, although some researcher's say that it is our body's way of making us take in substances that we need during our pregnancy.

2nd Trimester: 13th to 28th week

This is perhaps the most relaxing of all three pregnancy stages, because it is when your morning sickness would have subsided and when you have already adjusted to the idea of a growing baby inside you. During this pregnancy stage, you will first experience the phenomenon known as the "quickening," or the first faint baby movements.

At the start of this pregnancy stage, your baby is already about 3-4 inches long and its facial features are already in place. Its eyebrows and hair begin to grow, its circulatory system and its urinary tract start to function, and its lungs begin to exhale amniotic fluid.

3rd Trimester: 29th to 40th week

You have finally reached the last stage of your pregnancy, and what an accomplishment you've made! At this pregnancy stage, you must be psyched enough about the arrival of your baby and already pumped up about purchasing baby products and preparing the nursery.

At the beginning of this pregnancy stage, your baby is almost a foot long and should weigh between 2 and 3 pounds. During this time, its body undergoes so many changes. It is said that the fetus is now able to discern between light and dark and can now blink or shut its eyes. By week 33, you're already gaining about a pound a week. For the next 7 weeks, the baby itself will begin to gain more than half its birthweight.

By week 36, your uterus would have expanded to a thousand times its original volume, and it now reaches the base of your rib cage. Week 37 sees you in full term. Expect that your baby could be born any time around this period.

The different pregnancy stages feature various stages in your life as well as the baby's. What's important is that all throughout your pregnancy, you should aim to keep a healthy lifestyle - observe a balanced diet, get some rest whenever you need it, and keep a journal of all the wonderful and not-so-wonderful experiences that you're going through.

You can also find more info on pregnancy development and pregnancy tests. is a comprehensive resource to know more about pregnancy.

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Pregnancy Stages - Your Baby's Journey

Written by Doroby on 7:45 AM

By Terry Ross

Pregnancy Stages Month One – from the moment your egg is fertilized your baby’s genetic blueprint is set. Following fertilization the egg turns into a ball of cells and implants itself into the wall of the womb. It starts to grow, becoming no bigger than a grain of rice before it starts to grow a heart and a spinal cord.

Pregnancy Stages Month Two – The baby starts to take more of a human form, the head grows, facial features start to form, hands and feet start to develop and its muscles begin to grow. By the end of the second month a heartbeat can be picked up by ultrasound. By week eight the fetus is about 2.5cm long, 10,000 times bigger than at the point of conception.

Pregnancy Stages Month Three – In the third month toes and fingers appear, sex organs start to develop and by the end of the month all the vital organs are formed and the baby officially becomes known as a fetus. By week 12 your baby should weigh around 14g and be around 8cm long. Beyond 12 weeks the baby becomes less susceptible to infection and the risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced.

Pregnancy Stages Month Four – During the forth month the baby continues to grow, toe and fingernails appear and fine hair appears all over the body. Your little miracle should now be able to curl their fingers and toes and suck their thumb.

Pregnancy Stages Month Five – Hair, eyelashes and eyebrows grow and the baby’s senses start to develop. The baby continues to grow to approximately 13cm and a creamy white substance is produced to coat the body and protect the baby’s skin.

Pregnancy Stages Month Six – The baby’s growth slows down, he starts to have more control over his movements and his digestive and immune systems and lungs start to mature.

Pregnancy Stages Month Seven – All major organs accept the lungs are functioning, cells mature and the brain develops. A baby born in the seventh month has a good chance of survival.

Pregnancy Stages Month Eight – The baby can open and close his eyes and develops a sense of taste. He may settle in position for birth and looks very much like a newborn.

Pregnancy Stages Month Nine – The baby is now fully formed and growing. The baby develops a thick layer of subcutaneous fat and can gain up to 225g per week. In the last month the baby’s head will usually engage into the pelvis in readiness for birth. Less than 10% of babies arrive on their due date with around 85% arriving in the first two weeks of month ten.

For more on pregnancy visit

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